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Environmental Science

Radiological, Chemical, and Environmental Risk Analysis

RACER applies innovative risk analyses to drive cleanup of and stewardship for contaminated sites, advance novel materials for the circular economy, and understand human-environment interactions to promote health and safety.

Understanding the combined hazards, exposures, and effects of human activities in our environment is crucial to promoting the health and security of the nation. RACER integrates multidisciplinary science and engineering expertise to address challenges ranging from legacy waste sites and urban exposures to new technologies and evolving pathogens. We evaluate releases, environmental fates, and toxicities of radiological, chemical, and biological stressors to analyze risks and identify safe levels for humans and biota. Our real-time risk analyses guide responses to acute threats, ranging from radiological disasters to infectious diseases/pandemics. We apply an end-of-life environmental focus at the design phase for new materials. Our priority is to better understand human-environment interactions, promote health and safety, and drive scientific innovation.