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Modeling, Simulation, and AI

Argonne’s data-driven insights into processes and materials informs manufacturing and commercialization decisions that advance U.S. competitiveness.

Argonne experts employ advanced models, simulations, artificial intelligence (AI), life-cycle analysis and techno-economic assessments to help industry make manufacturing decisions that meet cost and sustainability objectives. Argonne’s knowledge of and access to the nation’s preeminent supercomputers and research data infrastructure and tools open the door to finding possible solutions before investing in physical prototypes.

Leveraging the high-speed data network of the Materials Engineering Research Facility (MERF), Argonne is able to rapidly correlate process inputs and constraints, such as material and energy efficiency, to manufacturing outputs. Argonne can accelerate process development, integrate machine learning (ML) models and conduct real-time characterization of materials to develop processes that autonomously steer, evaluate and scale laboratory discoveries to commercially relevant materials.

The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF), a national Department of Energy (DOE) user facility and future home to Aurora, is one of the nation’s first exascale computers. The ALCF is host to the AI-Testbed, which evaluates the usability and performance of ML-based high-performance computing applications. In the ALCF, Argonne brings powerful, collaborative expertise across multiple disciplines to maximize the value of this next generation of machines. Argonne’s core capabilities, facilities, and resources help companies de-risk and accelerate the scale-up and commercialization of new, complex materials critically important to U.S. competitiveness.