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Mathematics and Computer Science

Advancing Integrated Development Environments for Quantum Computing through Fundamental Research (AIDE-QC)

Advancing the computer science stack for quantum computing

Recent advances in quantum computing have clarified the potential of the technology to accelerate many key science and engineering applications ranging from quantum chemistry and high-energy physics to machine learning. While these demonstrations remain proof-of-principle, there is a growing need to expand the programmability and testability of these devices. This will require more sophisticated research and development software environments to support the integration of critical concepts with the rapidly changing diverse hardware landscape.

The AIDE-QC will integrate a multidisciplinary team of five Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories and the University of Chicago to address critical aspects of computer science research that accelerate the integration of near-term intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices for scientific exploration. These advances include high-level programming languages accessible by domain scientists, novel error -mitigation techniques for near and mid-term hardware devices, and leading-edge platform agnostic compilers supported by classical numerical simulators and robust tools for validation, verification and debugging approaches. The goal of AIDE-QC is to develop and deliver open-source computing, programming, and simulation environments that support the large diversity of quantum computing research at DOE.

Find out more about related activities at the Quantum Computing at Argonne page.