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Feature Story | Mathematics and Computer Science

Argonne joins newly established OpenHPC collaborative project

Argonne National Laboratory has joined OpenHPC, a collaborative effort to provide a new, open source framework supporting the world’s most sophisticated high-performance computing (HPC) environments.

The collaboration, which was formed by the Linux Foundation, includes more than 30 national laboratories, universities, research centers, and software vendors. These supporting members have agreed to work together to create a stable environment for testing and validating HPC software.

Argonne is encouraged to see the large investment of multiple companies into open source software for high-performance computing,” said Marc Snir, director of the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne plans to contribute to this collaborative effort several packages it has developed, including its MPICH library.”

The OpenHPC community will provide provisioning and system administration tools, resource management, I/O services, development tools, numerical libraries, and performance analysis tools. The aim is make available a full-featured HPC software stack that is both stable enough for ongoing testing and flexible enough to be used for a wide variety of configurations.

Details about OpenHPC are available on the project website. The formal announcement about OpenHPC was made at the SC’15 supercomputing conference in November 2015.