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Article | Mathematics and Computer Science

Austin Awarded Wilkinson Fellowship

Anthony Austin has been awarded the 2016 J.H. Wilkinson Fellowship in Scientific Computing at Argonne National Laboratory.

Austin is working in the Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division at Argonne. His research interests include numerical linear algebra, approximation theory and algorithms, and computational complex analysis.

I’m very excited to join the MCS Division, and I plan to use my time here to explore new ideas and algorithms for large-scale eigenvalue problems,” said Austin.  I am particularly interested in methods that are suitable for use on modern, highly parallel computer architectures and am looking forward to studying them using the excellent high-performance computing resources available here at Argonne.”

Austin received his D. Phil. in mathematics from the University of Oxford in September 2016. Highlights of his previous work include his contributions as one of the developers of Chebfun, an open-source software system for numerical computing with functions. He has also coauthored three papers in refereed journals: the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, the SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, and the IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis.

The appointment as Wilkinson Fellow lasts a year and can be extended an additional year. Benefits include salary, moving expenses, and a professional travel allowance.