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Article | Mathematics and Computer Science

Cosmological toolkit project featured on DOE energy website

Researchers from Argonne National Laboratory, in partnership with Fermilab and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, are developing a state-of-the-art toolkit for analyzing cosmological simulation data. The work was recently featured on the DOE website Energy​.gov.

Leading the Argonne team are Salman Habib, senior physicist and computational scientist in Argonne’s High Energy Physics and Mathematics and Computer Science Divisions, and Ravi Madduri, project manager in the MCS Division.

The multilaboratory team seeks to create an open platform with a web-based front end that will allow scientists to transfer, search, and analyze the complex data being generated by galaxy-formation simulations. Key to this effort is the use of high-performance computers and specialized advanced software systems. Habib is a principal investigator in the project, and Madduri is the system architect.