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The Flash-X project has been named a finalist for the 2022 R&D 100 awards, which are given by R&D Magazine to 100 top new technologies for the year.

The Flash-X scientific software system can be used to simulate many different types of physical phenomena including in astrophysics, computational fluid dynamics, and cosmology. A key feature of the package is its compatibility with extremely heterogeneous hardware platforms, thus ensuring that scientific discovery can continue on new and future generations of supercomputers.

Performance portability is an essential feature of Flash-X,” said Anshu Dubey, a computational scientist in Argonne’s Mathematics and Computer Science Division and lead developer of the Flash-X project. With Flash-X, researchers can select platform-specific constructs from templates and pipelines, porting to new platforms for multiphysics applications rapidly.”

For a list of the other finalists, see the R&D 100 website.