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Awards and Recognition | Mathematics and Computer Science

Franck Capello receives HPDC 2022 achievement award

Franck Cappello, a senior computer scientist in Argonne’s Mathematics and Computer Science Division, has received the HPDC 2022 Achievement Award for his research accomplishments and community leadership.

The international symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC) is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery. The HPDC award recognizes an individual who has made long-lasting, influential contributions to the foundations or practice of the field of high-performance parallel and distributed computing.

Cappello is internationally known for his fundamental contributions in three distinct areas: the experimental Grid’5000 platform for computer science, lossy compression for scientific data, and fault tolerance for extreme-scale parallel executions. He (with colleagues) has won two R&D 100 awards, often called the Oscars of Invention.” Complementing this distinguished record of technical accomplishments is Cappello’s service to the high-performance computing community. For example, Cappello is a long-time member of the editorial boards of several leading high-performance journals and is founding partner and director of the Joint Laboratory on Extreme Scale Computing.

I am deeply honored to receive this award, which underscores the importance of tackling – and finding solutions to – computational problems and methodologies related to high performance parallel and distributed scientific computing,” Cappello said. Exascale systems are starting to emerge, and the community has addressed a lot of the challenges identified more than 10 years ago to make exascale computing a reality. The post-exascale era will present huge challenges, and I look forward to helping develop not only the methodology and tools but also the communities and collaborations vital for realizing new scientific discoveries.”

The award will be presented at the 31st HPDC conference in Minneapolis in June 2022, during which Cappello will present a keynote address.

For further information about the award, click here.