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Article | Mathematics and Computer Science

Guo receives postdoctoral performance award

Hanqi Guo, a postdoctoral appointee in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division, has received Argonne’s 2017 Postdoctoral Performance Award in Basic Research.

The award was established to recognize the significant contributions that postdoctoral appointees make to Argonne’s mission. The three categories for the awards — basic research, engineering research and applied research — seek to acknowledge the diverse expertise among Argonne’s postdoctoral community.                               

Guo was nominated for basic research in data analytics and scientific visualization. His accomplishments include identifying and tracking supercurrent vortices in superconductor simulations; developing scalable algorithms to handle the increasing cost of analyzing uncertainty on emerging extreme-scale systems; and analyzing hardware errors in leadership supercomputers. Recently, he also has been exploring new directions involving deep learning—beyond traditional spatiotemporal scientific visualization.

I am honored to be selected for this award,” said Guo. Working with MCS has been exciting, and I look forward to continuing collaborations with my colleagues in solving challenging problems in science and engineering.”

Guo and the other 2017 awardees will be recognized at a reception at Argonne on August 30.