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Announcement | Mathematics and Computer Science

Leyffer to give summer school lecture on mixed-integer nonlinear programming

Sven Leyffer, a senior computational mathematician in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory, will present a series lecture at the Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming” summer school, to be held in Germany August 13-16, 2018.

Over the past two decades, mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) has emerged as a powerful modeling paradigm that arises in a broad range of scientific, engineering, and financial applications,” said Leyffer. The summer school, organized by the Algorithmic Optimization research training group at Trier University, Germany, provides an opportunity to introduce graduate students and postdocs to this exciting topic.” The course is taught jointly with Argonne alumnus Jeff Linderoth (University of Wisconsin – Madison) and a software specialist from FICO (an optimization software company), who also provide state-of-the-art optimization software for use in the course.

Leyffer is an internationally recognized leader in numerical optimization, with major accomplishments in nonlinearly constrained optimization, mixed-integer nonlinear optimization, and optimization problems with equilibrium constraints. In all three areas, he has made fundamental contributions to the theoretical foundations; developed state-of-the-art methods and robust implementations; and promoted novel applications, including electric power grids and x-ray tomography. He is co-editor of the book Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming and co-developer of the Minotaur mixed-integer nonlinear optimization toolkit.

For further information about the summer school, see the website