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Article | Mathematics and Computer Science

Marc Snir Gives Plenary Talk on Exascale Computing

Marc Snir gave a plenary talk at the PASC16 (Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing) conference on June 8, 2016, in Lausanne, Switzerland.

In his plenary talk, titled Exascale Computing and Beyond,” Snir surveyed the current roadmap for exascale computing and the main challenges this roadmap entails. He also discussed the likely evolution of high-performance computing beyond exascale, in the post-Moore” era.”

Snir is director of the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory and Michael Faiman and Saburo Muroga Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. He recently won the IEEE Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing and the IEEE Cray Award.