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Feature Story | Mathematics and Computer Science

MCS and ALCF establish joint lab for evaluating computing platforms

A new Joint Laboratory for System Evaluation (JLSE) has been established at Argonne aimed at evaluating future high-performance computing platforms.

By centralizing research activities, the JLSE will provide significant opportunities for the Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division and the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF), both in the Theory and Computing Sciences building, to work collaboratively on prototype technologies for petascale and beyond.

The JLSE will address MCS and ALCF needs in various areas of hardware and software research. In particular, activities will focus on maintaining a range of hardware and software environments for testing MCS research ideas and investigating alternative approaches to current and future deployments within ALCF.

JLSE users from both divisions will use existing infrastructure and future hardware and software to explore low-level experimental computer and computational science, including operating systems, messaging, compilers, benchmarking, power measurements, I/O, and new file systems. 

MCS Deputy Director Rajeev Thakur and ALCF performance engineering manager Kalyan Kumaran will lead JLSE activities and oversee the research teams. Published activity reports will benefit users and provide feedback to vendors and the broader research community.