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MCS Division researchers have six papers accepted for SC15

Researchers in Argonne’s Mathematics and Computer Science Division have had six papers accepted for presentation at SC15’s highly competitive Technical Papers Program.

The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analytics — better known simply as SC — has long been at the forefront in gathering the world’s leaders in supercomputing. This year’s event will take place in Austin, TX, November 15-20, 2015.

The topics of the MCS papers range from fault tolerance and error recovery to scheduling techniques and multithreaded MPI.

  • Fault Tolerant MapReduce-MPI for HPC Clusters, Y. Guo, W. Bland, P. Balaji, and X. Zhou
  • VOCL-FT: Introducing Techniques for Efficient Soft Error Coprocessor Recovery, A. J. Pena, W. Bland, and P. Balaji
  • Improving Concurrency and Asynchrony in Multithreaded MPI Applications Using Software Offloading, K. Vaidyanathan, D. D. Kalamkar, K. Pamnany, J. R. Hammond, P. Balaji, D. Das, J. Park, and B. Joo
  • Large-Scale Compute-Intensive Analysis via a Combined In-situ and Co-Scheduling Workflow Approach, C. Sewell, K. Heitmann, H. FInkel, G. Zagaris, S. T. Parete-Koon, P. Fasel, A. Pope, N. Frontiere, L.-T. Lo, B. Messer, S. Habib, and J. Ahrens
  • An Elegant Sufficiency: Load-Aware Differentiated Scheduling of Data Transfers, R. Kettimuthu, G. Vardoyan, G. Agrawal, P. Sadayappan, and I. Foster
  • Optimal Scheduling of in situ Analysis for Large-Scale Scientific Simulations  -- P. Malakar, V. Vishwanath, T. Munson, C. Knight, M. Hereld, S. Leyffer, M. E. Papka

For further information, see the SC15 website.