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Article | Mathematics and Computer Science

MCS Division researchers play major role in ECP meeting

Researchers from Argonne’s Mathematics and Computer Science Division participated in numerous events at the second annual Exascale Computing Project meeting, held Feb. 5-9, 2018, in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Working Lunch Presentation

  • Lois Curfman McInnes (and a colleague) –  Better Scientific Software Initiative”


  • Lois Curfman McInnes (and a colleague) – Using DOE Math Libraries.”
  • Ashley Dubey (and two colleagues) v What All Codes Should Do: Overview of Best Practices in HPC Software Development”
  • Justin Wozniak (and a colleague) v  An Introduction to Scalable Deep Learning with CANDLE
  • Franck Cappello (and colleague) – Compression for Scientific Data”
  • Rob Ross (and colleagues) – ECP Data Management Tools: ADIOS, HDF5, and DataLib”


  • Pavan Balaji (and colleagues) – MPI and OpenMP”
  • Ian Foster – CODAR
  • Justin Wozniak – Swift/T”
  • Rajeev Jain – Urban Science”
  • Kamil Iskra (with colleagues) – Addressing Complex Memory for Exascale Systems and Applications”
  • Rob Ross (with colleagues) – Data Management Software Technologies: I;/O Interfaces and Data Service.”
  • Anshu Dubey and Salman Habib – FOM and ST Integration for Earth and Space Science Applications”
  • Pavan Balaji (and colleagues – Mixed Model Programming”
  • Ian Foster and Franck Cappello (and colleagues) – The CODAR Software Stack”
  • Bogdan Nicolae (and colleague) – Checkpoint/restart”
  • Franck Cappello (and colleague) – Compression”
  • Rajeev Jain (and colleagues) – Urban Coupled Systems”