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Announcement | Mathematics and Computer Science

MCS researchers play active role in ECP Community BoF Days

Researchers from the Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) division at Argonne National Laboratory will join colleagues to give presentations at the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) 2023 Community Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) Days on February 14–16, 2023.

The annual BoF Days provide an opportunity for the high-performance computing community to engage with ECP teams to discuss the project’s latest development accomplishments. The presentations, ranging from an hour to an hour and a half, will be given virtually via Zoom.

Following is a list of MCS staff and the titles of their presentations. In many cases the MCS speakers will be joined by collaborators (not listed here) from other national laboratories, academia and industry in the BoF talks.

  • Michel Schanen – Developing End-to-End Workflows for Exascale Systems in Julia  
  • Rinku Gupta and Lois Curfman McInnes – Sharing Your Software Sustainability, Productivity, and Quality Experience through BSw​.io (with ORNL, LANL, LLNL, and SNL)
  • Bogdan Nicolae and Franck Cappello – Checkpointing with VeloC: Challenges, Use Cases, Integration
  • Michael Kruse – OpenMP Roadmap for Accelerator across DOE Pre-exascale/Exascale Machines
  • Franck Cappello, Sheng Di, Robert Underwood, and Xiaodong Yu – Data Reduction for ECP Applications
  • Yanfei Guo – MPI BoF
  • Yanfei Guo, Ken Raffenetti, and Hui Zhou – MPICH: A High-Performance Open-Source MPI Implementation
  • Brice Videau – THAPI: Tracing Multiple Software Layers for Fun and Profit

For a full listing of the talks and abstracts, click here.