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MCS Researchers Play Major Role at SC16

The Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory are well represented at SC16, the premier annual conference in high-performance computing, networking, storage and analysis.

This year’s event takes place Nov. 14–17 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Following is a list of some of the activities MCS researchers will participate in at this year’s conference (staff and guest faculty names in bold).


  • Optimal Execution of Co-Analysis for Large-Scale Molecular Dynamimcss Simulations – Malakar, Vishwanath, C. Knight, T. Munson,  M. Papka
  • Efficient Delaunay Tessellation through K-D Tree Decomposition – D. Morozov, T. Peterka
  • Granularity and the Cost of Error Recovery in Resilient AMR Scientific Applications – A. Dubey, H. Fujita, D. Graves, A. Chien  D. Tiwari
  • Watch Out for the Bully! Job Interference Study on Dragonfly Network – X. Yang, J. Jenkins, M. Mubarak, R. Ross, Z. Lan 
  • Performance Analysis, Design Considerations, and Applications of Extreme-Scale In Situ Infrastructures –  Utkarsh Ayachit, Andy Bauer, Earl P. N. Duque, Greg Eisenhauer, Nicola Ferrier, Junmin Gu, Kenneth Jansen, Burlen Loring, Zarija Lukic, Suresh Menon, Dmitriy Morozov, Patrick O’Leary, Reetesh Ranjan, Mirchel Rasquin, Chrisopher P. Stone, Venkat Vishwanath, Gunther Weber, Brad J. Whitlock, Matthew Wolf, Kesheng Wu, E. Wes Bethel.

Invited Talk

Birds of a Feather

  • On-Demand Infrastructure for Data Analytics and Storage – F. Cappello, G. Allen
  • MPICH: A High-Performance Open Source MPI Implementation – P. Balaji, K. Raffenetti
  • Experimental Infrastructure and Methodology for HPC Cloud Research – K. Keahey
  • Big Data and Exascale Computing – J. Dongarra, M. Asch, P. Beckman
  • Software Engineering for Computational Science and Engineering on Supercomputers – D. Bernholdt, J. Carver, M. Heroux, N. Chue Hong, D. Katz, J. Lin, K. Nakajima
  • Analyzing Parallel I/O – P. Carns, J. Kunkel


  • The End of Von Neumann? What the Future Looks Like for HPC Application Developers – D. Donofrio, G. Gupta, A. Khosrowshahi, A. Chien,  J. Shalf, S. Williams
  • Virtualization, Partitioning, Cohabitation, Containers, Something Else? Approaches to Integrating HPC and Big Data Applications – R. Minnich, R. Brightwell, R. Riesen, J. Jann, B. Rhoden, K. Iskra, B. Gerofi, H. Haertig, S. Canon
  • 3HPC.Research Computing: Leveraging the Architectures, Flexibilities, and Tools Emerging from the Members of the OpenStack Scientific Community – B. Boas, R. Budden, M. Lowe, K. Keahey, J. Mills, B. Bethwaite, S. Teller, P. Calleja, S. Quenette


  • Scalable HPC Visualization and Data Analysis Using VisIt – C. Harrison, D. Pugmire, H. Childs, R. Sisneros, J. H. Göbbert, M. Dorier
  • Parallel I/O in Practice – R. Latham, R. Ross, B. Welch
  • Advanced MPI Programming – P. Balaji, W. Gropp, T. Hoefler, R. Thakur
  • Testing of HPC Scientific Software A. Dubey, A. Klinvex

Workshop Organization

  • ExaMPI16 – R. Grant, P. Bridges, A. Skjellum, P. Bangalore, R. Brightwell, P. Balaji, M. Takagi
  • MTAGS16: 9th Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Clouds, Grids, and Supercomputers – K. Wang, J. Wozniak, I. Raicu
  • Women in HPC  – Misbah Mubarak, Toni Collis
  • ISAV 2016 (In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization) – Nicola Ferrier (program committee member)

Workshop Presentations

  • Get Out of the Way! Applying compression to internal data structures,” Rob Latham (presenter), M. Dorier, R. Ross, 1st Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage & Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems  (PDSW-DISC)
  • Benchmarking under the hood of OpenCL FPGA platforms,” K. Yoshii (presenter), H. Finkel, F. Cappello, H2RC: Heterogeneous High-performance Reconfigurable Computing
  • Re-form: FPGA-powered true codesign flow for high-performance computing in the post-Moore era,” F. Cappello, K. Yoshii (presenter), H. Finkel, J. Cong, The 1st International Workshop on Post-Moore Era Supercomputing (PMES)
  • Advance reservation access control using software-defined networking and tokens,” J. Chung, E. Jung, R. Kettimuthu (presenter), N. Rao, I. Foster, R. Clark, H. Owen, 3rd International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science (INDIS 2016)
  • Towards bridging the gap between peak and average loads on science networks,” S. Nickolay, E. Jung, R. Kettimuthu (presenter), I. Foster, The 3rd International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science (INDIS 2016)
  • Towards optimizing large-scale data transfers with end-to-end integrity verification,” S. Liu, E. Jung, R. Kettimuthu, X. Sun, 1st Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage & Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems (PDSW-DISCS).
  • Modular HPC I/O Characterization with Darshan,” S. Snyder, P. Carns, Kevin Harms. R. Ross. G. Lockwood, N. Wright, Extreme-Scale Programming Tools Workshop
  • Visual data-analytics of large-scale parallel discrete-event simulations” C. Ross, Christopher, D. Carothers, M. Mubarak, P. Carns, R. Ross, J. K. Li, K.-L. Ma, 7th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS16)
  • High performance model exploration of mutation patterns in an agent-based model of colorectal cancer,” J. Ozik, N. Collier, J. M. Wozniak, C. Macal, C. Cockrell, M. Stack, G. AnProc. Computational Approaches for Cancer at SC16