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Announcement | Mathematics and Computer Science

MCS researchers play organizing role in DOE workshop on randomized algorithms

The U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Scientific Computing program is sponsoring a virtual workshop on Randomized Algorithms for Scientific Computing (RASC).

The purpose of the RASC workshop is to explore what foundational long-term research and plans are needed over the next decade to transform the scientific computing capabilities of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), employing randomized algorithms to achieve marked gains in performance for scientific computing grand challenges.

The workshop will be held in two parts. The first part, an open bootcamp on randomized algorithms and applications, will be held Dec. 2–3, 2020. The bootcamp will include tutorials and discussions with leading experts, with the aim of providing a common understanding of the current status and the potential of randomized algorithms and applications within DOE. The second part, to be held Jan. 6–7, 2021, focuses on brainstorming and writing sessions. The objective is to develop a report on long-term research needs to realize the potential of randomized algorithms for DOE scientific computing applications. 

Stefan Wild is the RASC workshop co-chair, and Mihai Anitescu is on the organizing committee; both are senior computational mathematicians in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory.