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Announcement | Mathematics and Computer Science

Min Si co-edits special issue on hybrid exascale systems software and applications

Special issue of the Parallel Computing journal focuses on challenges in programming emerging computing architectures.

Min Si, an assistant computer scientist in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory, recently co-edited a special issue of Parallel Computing.

Published in 2020, this special issue comprises extended versions of three papers selected from presentations at the 2018 International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems in Vancouver, Canada. The papers focus on several challenges raised in programming emerging computing architectures, including a new strategy for multicore and many-core architectures, a hybrid CPU/GPU approach for optimizing sorting, and a prototype system for migratory memory-side processing based on field-programmable gate arrays.

Parallel Computing is an international journal presenting the practical use of parallel computer systems, including high-performance architecture, system software, programming systems, tools and applications.

For further information about the special issue, see Antonio J. Peña and Min Si, eds., Guest editorial: Special Issue on Applications and System Software for Hybrid Exascale Systems,” Parallel Computing 91 (2020) 102583.