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Feature Story | Mathematics and Computer Science

Misbah Misbarak gives presentation on diversity

Misbah Mubarak, a postdoctoral appointee in Argonne’s Mathematics and Computer Science Division, recently participated in a workshop titled Women in HPC (WHPC): Changing the Face of the Future. The workshop was organized by the 2015 HPCwire Workforce Diversity team and held at the SC15 supercomputing conference.

Argonne has established a Diversity & Inclusion Initiative that includes leadership development, outreach and educational opportunities, mentoring, and work-life balance policies. At the workshop, Mubarak presented Argonne’s recently published employee diversity data.

Commenting on her presentation, HPCwire stated: While the data reveal there is an opportunity for improvement, Argonne should be commended for having taken this bold step. If others follow, the U.S. can begin to piece together a more accurate portrait of its CS&E workforce.”

For further information, see the HPCwire article about the workshop and related sessions at SC15: http://​www​.hpcwire​.com/​2​0​1​5​/​1​1​/​3​0​/​w​o​m​e​n​-​i​n​-​h​p​c​-​sc15/.