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Article | Mathematics and Computer Science

Munson Selected for Strategic Laboratory Leadership Program

Todd Munson, a senior computational scientist in Argonne’s Mathematics and Computer Science Division, has been selected for the 2019 Strategic Laboratory Leadership Program (SLLP). 

SLLP is designed to help high-potential employees build leadership skills, network, gain cross-functional knowledge, and prepare for more senior leadership roles. It includes participants from Argonne, Fermi, and Idaho, and Jefferson labs.  The topics addressed during the program include leadership development, strategy and business models in a research context, techniques for handling organization change, and skills for decision-making. The participants also work in teams on a test bench project to put into practice the skills learned in the classroom. The test bench project for this year focuses on change management.

Munson is deputy director of two U.S. Department of Energy Exascale Computing Project (ECP) activities – CODAR” and Preparing PETSc/TAO for Exascale”; is a member of the ECP extended leadership team as the control account manager for the Software Ecosystem and Delivery portfolio; and is the institutional lead and numerical optimization area leader of the SciDAC-4 FASTMath Institute. His research accomplishments include the Toolkit for Advanced Optimization (TAO), for applications such as electronic structure calculations and subsurface flow optimization; MINOTAUR, for problems with discrete decision variables; and PATH, for solutions of nonsmooth systems of equations encountered, for example, in Nash games and variational inequalities. 

For further information about SLLP and the 2019 cohort, see the Argonne website: 
