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Awards and Recognition | Mathematics and Computer Science

Pavan Balaji Receives Editorial Excellence Award

Pavan Balaji, a computer scientist in Argonne’s Mathematics and Computer Science division, has been named a winner of the IEEE 2019 TPDS Award for Editorial Excellence.

The award recognizes exceptional contributions by members of the editorial board of the peer-reviewed journal IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems(TPDS).  The inaugural award was based on factors such as the number of papers handled for TPDS in the past year, turnaround time, and review quality.

Balaji, who has been an associate editor of TPDS since 2017, said he is honored to be one of the five board members receiving this inaugural award. TPDS provides a key venue for researchers to present their latest parallel and distributed algorithms, applications, architectures, and software,” Balaji said.  I am indebted to the many peer reviewers who play an essential role in ensuring that the journal continues to publish high-quality papers.”

For more information about Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, see the website: https://​www​.com​put​er​.org/​w​e​b​/tpds.