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Researchers receive Hans Meuer Award at ISC 2022

Johannes Doerfert of Argonne National Laboratory and Atmn Patel, a former research aide at Argonne, have won the Hans Meuer Award at the ISC High Performance 2022 conference held in Hamburg, Germany.

The award honors the most outstanding research paper submitted to the conference’s Research Papers Committee. Their paper, titled Remote OpenMP Offloading,” showcases how an OpenMP offloading-capable program can run on a remote CPU or remote accelerator (e.g., a graphics processing unit, or GPU) as if it were a local one; and, for applications that support multi-device offloading, it can use any combination of local and remote CPUs and accelerators simultaneously.

The researchers evaluated their work both on microbenchmarks and on high-performance computing proxy applications. The results show scaling across dozens of GPUs in multiple hosts.

Unlike solutions such as MPI, our work demonstrates that OpenMP can efficiently use a distributed heterogeneous system – without source, compiler, or language modifications,” said Doerfert, an assistant computer scientist in Argonne’s Mathematics and Computer Science Division.

The authors of the award-winning paper presented a keynote talk on their work in a special session May 30, 2022. They received a cash prize of 3,000 Euros, along with an award certificate.

For the full paper, see Patel, A., Doerfert, J. (2022). Remote OpenMP Offloading. In: Varbanescu, AL., Bhatele, A., Luszczek, P., Marc, B. (eds) High Performance Computing. ISC High Performance 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 13289. Springer, Cham.