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Article | Mathematics and Computer Science

Ross delivers keynote address at database management conference

Rob Ross, senior scientist in Argonne’s Mathematics and Computer Science Division, gave a keynote address at the 29th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM). The conference, which was held in Chicago June 27-29, 2017, focused on high-performance data analysis tools and techniques for large datasets.

The intriguing title of Ross’s presentation was A Renaissance for Data Management in HPC?” He spoke of push and pull” driving change in high-performance computing, with data as a first-class citizen.” SSDBM, he noted, is supporting such a renaissance – through research in technologies, data management, and analytics. He ended his presentation with a call for a data service ecosystem and a brief description of the Mochi project, which is exploring a software-defined storage approach for designing storage services for science applications at extreme scale.

For a copy of his presentation, see the website.