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Mathematics and Computer Science

IDEAS: Interoperable Design of Extreme-scale Application Software

Qualitatively changing the culture of extreme-scale computational science

The goals of the IDEAS project are to qualitatively change the culture of extreme-scale computational science and to provide a foundation that enables transformative next-generation predictive science and decision support. An interdisciplinary approach is used to create extreme-scale scientific software, where modern software engineering tools and practices will improve software developer productivity and applications will be constructed quickly and efficiently by using components, libraries, and frameworks.

IDEAS research and development focus on four complementary areas:

  • Methodologies for software productivity
  • Extreme-scale scientific software development kit
  • Use cases for terrestrial modeling
  • Outreach and community

The IDEAS project is a multi-institutional partnership among ANL, LANL, LBNL, LLNL, ORNL, PNNL, SNL, and the Colorado School of Mines.

The project co-leads are Lois Curfman McInnes (ANL, ASCR Co-lead PI) and Michael A. Heroux (SNL, ASCR Co-lead PI).