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Mathematics and Computer Science

Nucelar Computational Low-Energy Initiative (NUCLEI)

SciDAC project advancing large-scale computations of atomic nuclei

The NUCLEI SciDAC project builds upon recent successes in large-scale computations of atomic nuclei to provide results critical to nuclear science and nuclear astrophysics, and to nuclear applications in energy and national security. The large-scale computations within NUCLEI are transforming the fields of low-energy nuclear physics and astrophysics. Physics topics being addressed include nuclear interactions and their uncertainties, ab-initio studies of light nuclei and their reactions and of nucleonic matter and its astrophysical properties. We are also fundamentally advancing the studies of neutron-rich nuclei and the fission of heavy nuclei, and the key nuclear physics issues in neutron stars and tests of fundamental symmetries.

All these efforts are closely coupled to research in mathematics and computer science, and to the large-scale simulations needed to accomplish our goals. We specifically focus on areas where large-scale simulations can have a critical impact on the experimental nuclear science program, nuclear applications, and the wider physics and computer science / applied mathematics communities. 

Find more about NUCLEI at http://​www​.com​put​ingnu​clei​.org/