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Mathematics and Computer Science: at a Glance

Mathematics and Computer Science Division


  • 90 staff
  • 30 postdocs
  • 72 interns, coops, predocs

Research Range

From basic research in such core areas as optimization, partial differential equations, and system software for extreme-scale computing to exploration of artificial intelligence, MCS researchers have a common goal: providing the tools and technology needed to tackle challenging science and engineering problems of critical importance in the 21st century.


  • Computing at Argonne (CPS, DSL, LCF)
  • Exascale Computing Project
  • SciDAC Application Partnerships
  • SciDAC Institutes
  • Universities, industry, and other research institutions worldwide

Society Fellows

  • SIAM: Mihai Anitescu, Sven Leyffer, Lois Curfman McInnes, Barry Smith
  • IEEE: Franck Cappello, Andrew Chien, Valerie Taylor
  • ACM: Andrew Chien, Ian Foster, Valerie Taylor
  • AAAS: Andrew Chien, Paul Fischer, Ian Foster