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Research Highlight | Materials Science

3D multi-modal nanoscale structural imaging of an III-V nanowire

In a study published in Nano Letters, researchers found the penetrating nature of X-ray radiation, together with the relaxed constraints of multiangle Bragg projection ptychography, will enable the in operando imaging of nanowire devices.

Scientific Achievement

In a single III-V nanowire, the 3D distribution of both strain and stacking defects was measured using coherent X-rays, revealing structural heterogeneity from nano- to micro-meter scales.

Significance and Impact

Structural features that determine the performance of advanced optoelectronic nanodevices can be imaged by a new coherent X-ray Bragg ptychography method suitable for studies in operando.

Research Details

  • At the NSLS-II 3-ID beamline, high-resolution nanodiffraction measurements were made of a single InGaAs nanowire at two different Bragg peaks with different structural sensitivity.
  • A new multi-angle Bragg projection ptychography method was used to make 3D images of structure down to a scale of 3 nm, with a robust algorithm insensitive to scan registration.

Work was performed at Argonne and Brookhaven national laboratories.


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