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Research Highlight | Materials Science

Absence of mixed valency of 4f electrons in layered nickelates

In a study published in Physical Review B, researchers demonstrate that the 4f orbitals in superconducting layered nickelates play no role in the low energy physics.

Scientific Achievement

By use of dynamical mean field theory (DMFT), we are able to demonstrate that 4f electrons are localized in infinite layer nickelates.

Significance and Impact

There has been much debate about the nature of 4f electrons in superconducting nickelates. We demonstrate that they play no role in the low energy physics.

Research Details

  • Our DMFT calculations treat both nickel 3d and rare earth 4f orbitals as correlated orbitals.
  • Hole doping is achieved by using supercells with partial replacement of praseodymium by strontium.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.165153

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