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Research Highlight | Materials Science

Coherent band excitations in CePd3

In a study published in Science, researchers indicated that the agreement between experiment and theory shows that they have a robust first-principles understanding of the temperature dependence of f-electron coherence.

Scientific Achievement

Inelastic neutron scattering validate the ab initio theory of the crossover from incoherent to coherent electronic excitations as a function of temperature.

Significance and Impact

This coherence crossover is fundamental to many strongly correlated electron systems and is now comprehensively understood using the latest advances in experiment and theory.

Research Details

  • Neutron scattering measurements of full volumes of 4D S(Q,ω) were performed on  Angular-Range Chopper Spectrometer (SNS) and Merlin (ISIS).
  • There is excellent agreement on an absolute intensity scale between measurements and ab initio calculations.
  • The magnetic response is modulated by the joint density-of-states of f-electron quasiparticles, strongly enhanced by local particle-hole interactions.


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