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Research Highlight | Materials Science

Creation and coherent control of SiC:Cr4+

In a study published in the Nature Partner Journal, Quantum Information, researchers measured properties of chromium ions that could be used as qubits in silicon carbide for quantum computing applications.

Scientific Achievement 

We created chromium ions (Cr4+) in commercial 4H silicon-carbide and measured long spin coherence times with high readout fidelities. 

Significance and Impact 

We measured the optical and spin dynamics of Cr4+ defect ensembles as a promising extrinsic, optically active spin qubit in silicon carbide. 

Research Details 

  • An implantation and annealing process was demonstrated that produces high quality chromium spin defects in 4H-SiC. 
  • An ensemble optical hole linewidth of 31 MHz was measured, displaying an order of magnitude improvement over as-grown samples. 
  • The governing optical and spin rates were characterized to maximize high fidelity readout (79%). 
  • Coherent spin control of the ensemble was demonstrated, and long coherence times (T1 > 1 s and T2 = 81 μs at 15 K) were found. 


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