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Research Highlight | Materials Science

Directed assembly of sensing platform using diamond nanoparticles

In a study published in Nano Letters, researchers experimentally reconstruct the temperature map of an operating coplanar waveguide to confirm the accuracy of the platforms.

Scientific Achievement

We have fabricated a nanodiamond sensing platform combining directed assembly polymer brushes patterning and a polytmethylsiloxane (PDMS) stamp printing technique.

Significance and Impact

The approach is scalable to create large-area, reusable arrays of quantum sensors for high-sensitivity temperature and magnetic field sensing.

Research Details

  • Directed assembly process to create arrays of nanoparticles with ensembles of NV centers, onto reusable, transferable, flexible and transparent PDMS films.
  • Protocol compatible with a number of target systems, experiments, and sensing protocols.
  • Demonstrates temperature mapping of a coplanar waveguide using PDMS array platform


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