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Research Highlight | Materials Science

Electronic coarse-graining via supervised machine learning

In a study published in Science Advances, researchers presented a machine learning approach in which the conformationally dependent electronic structure of a molecule is mapped directly to CG pseudo-atom configurations.

Scientific Achievement

Artificial Neural Network-Electronic Coarse Graining (ANN-ECG), a hybrid machine learning protocol, enables efficient and accurate mapping of atomistic electronic structure onto coarse-grained representations of soft matter simulations.

Significance and Impact

ANN-ECG accelerates optoelectronic characterization in soft semiconductors by ~4 orders of magnitude, and provides physical insight for defining coarse-grained representations.

Research Details

  • The conformation-dependent electronic structure of polythiophene is predicted directly at the coarse-grained resolution with unprecedented accuracy using machine learning.  Such calculations are not feasible at the purely atomistic level.
  • Accurate machine learning models can be trained with minimal data (1,000’s of configurations).
  • ANN-ECG can be straightforwardly extended to treat condensed phases and polymeric materials.

Work was performed at Argonne National Laboratory. 

DOI: https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​1​2​6​/​s​c​i​a​d​v​.​a​a​v1190

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