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Research Highlight | Materials Science

Exceptional points in classical spin dynamics

In a study published in Scientific Reports, researchers offer a theoretical platform for the topology of non-reciprocal spin devices for spintronics and magnonics.

Scientific Achievement

Non-reciprocal topologically-protected time evolution in driven dissipative spin systems is discovered.

Significance and Impact

Our findings enable a high-efficiency spin-filter device based on parametric driving around non-Hermitian spectral degeneracies.

Research Details

  • Developed a theory of the non-Hermitian spin dynamics in spin-torque-driven dissipative spin systems.
  • Predicted non-reciprocal time evolution by encircling an exceptional point in configuration space.
  • Determined optimal protocol parameters for a high-efficiency asymmetric spin-filter effect.

DOI: doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​3​8​/​s​4​1​5​9​8​-​0​1​9​-​5​3​455-0 

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