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Research Highlight | Materials Science

Intertwined density waves in a quasi-2D metallic oxide

In a study published in Nature Communications, researchers report the mechanism behind a metal-metal transition in a quasi-2D metallic oxide.

Scientific Achievement

We discovered that coexisting sinusoidal charge- and spin density waves drive a metal-metal transition in trilayer La4Ni3O10; we attribute density wave formation to Fermi surface gapping.

Significance and Impact

Our findings establish quasi-2D La4Ni3O10  as the missing link between the latent charge- and spin-order of 3D metallic nickelates and the fully-expressed order found in 2D insulating stripe-phase nickelates.

Research Details

  • High-resolution single-crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction revealed charge- and spin density waves.
  • Distinctive patterns of superlattice reflections lead to proposed models of the sinusoidal modulations in charge and spin sectors.
  • First principles calculations implicate Fermi surface nesting as the driving mechanism.


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