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Research Highlight | Materials Science

Optical charge control of defects in SiC

In a study published in Nature Communications, researchers develop a comprehensive model of the defects and optical processes involved, offering a strong basis to improve material design and to develop quantum applications in SiC.

Scientific Achievement

We demonstrate optical charge control and photoluminescence enhancement of defects in SiC.

Significance and Impact

Understanding the charge stability and charge conversion dynamics of common defects in SiC for quantum information processing and nanoscale sensing.

Research Details

  • Charge control of quantum defects provide enhanced spin-dependent readout and charge stability.
  • Photoluminescence (PL) from divacancy (VV) defects increases by up to three orders of magnitude using near-ultraviolet excitation.
  • Enhancement shows no degradation of the spin coherence time.
  • Charge conversion remains stable for hours at cryogenic temperatures.
  • Allows for spatial and persistent patterning of relative charge state populations for charge memory applications.


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