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Research Highlight | Materials Science

Phonon-mediated superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene

In a study published in Physical Review Letters, researchers discussed experiments that can distinguish two pairing states.

Scientific Achievement

We demonstrated that electron phonon coupling may be responsible for recently observed superconductivity in misaligned (twisted) graphene bilayers.

Significance and Impact

Our method allows to quantitatively analyze superconducting instability in large-period low density – moiré – systems and can be used to predict superconducting properties of other two dimensional materials for novel electronic devices.

Research Details

  • Superconductivity is enhanced due to large density of states near the magic” twist angles. Electron phonon coupling has adequate strength to cause observed high Tc
  • Despite being phonon-mediated, superconductivity has rich spatial structure and is likely to be d-wave.


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