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Research Highlight | Materials Science

Spin-to-charge conversion in magnetic Weyl semimetals

In a study published in the Physical Review Letters, researchers investigated the unique topological band structure of Weyl semimetals and its effect on spin-to-charge conversion. The study could provide new means to manipulate quantum materials.

Scientific Achievement

We have investigated spin-to-charge conversion effect in magnetic Weyl semimetals. We predict that spin injection into the semimetal induces a charge current that depends strongly on the topological properties of the semimetal.

Significance and Impact

The research shows how the unique topological band structure of magnetic Weyl semimetals affects spin-to-charge conversion. This relation leads to novel means to manipulate the effect, and can be exploited in potential applications in quantum materials.

Research Details

  • The nonequilibrium electron distribution due to the spin injection is obtained by analytically solving the scattering problem of electrons near the interface of a normal metal/Weyl semimetal bilayer, which leads to a charge current.
  • The induced charge current is calculated numerically, and its dependencies on various experimentally controllable parameters are determined.


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