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Research Highlight | Materials Science

Stripes and metals meet in the middle

In a study published in Chemistry of Materials, researchers report a quantum phase transition in single-crystal (Pr1-ₓLaₓ)4Ni3O8 fabricated with a unique high-pressure furnace that stabilizes oxides in unusual oxidation states.

Scientific Achievement

We have located a quantum phase transition in the quasi-2D nickelate (Pr1-xLax)4Ni3O8 (PLNO) between a correlated metal and a charge- and spin-stripe insulator.

Significance and Impact

Our findings reveal PLNO as a model system to explore either a clean quantum critical (QCP) point or a disorder-driven Griffith’s QCP, giving the first clear view of these quantum phenomena, unobscured by competing quantum states, such as superconductivity

Research Details

  • Crystals were grown using unique high-pressure furnace at oxygen pressures between 50-200 atmospheres.
  • A combination of single-crystal x-ray, magnetic, thermodynamic, and transport data reveal the charge- and spin stripe ordered phase melting’ into a correlated electron metal.

DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c00371

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