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Research Highlight | Materials Science

Universality of magnetic orders in iron superconductors

In a study published in Communications Physics, researchers reveal the presence of three types of magnetic order in an iron superconductor (LaFeAs1-ₓPₓO).

Scientific Achievement

Neutron and synchrotron x-ray diffraction combined with muon spin relaxation and theoretical modeling provides a detailed mapping of magnetic and structural orders in an iron superconductor, revealing the presence of three types of magnetic order within the same compound series.

Significance and Impact

A detailed understanding explaining the various magnetic states in a unified model is necessary towards developing a microscopic theory of these systems

Research Details

  • Neutron and synchrotron x-ray diffraction combined with usR and bulk measurements was used to determine the various magnetic orders present in the series LaFeAs1-xPxO.
  • Theoretical modeling provides a unified explanation for the emergence of these different states in terms of changes in the correlation strength promoted by chemical substitution.


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