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Strategic Security Sciences

Radiological and Nuclear Threat Awareness

Experts provide daily and monthly reports to the U.S. government and international allies on potential nuclear and radiological threats posed by bad actors.

Did You Know?

Argonne National Laboratory supports the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Office of Global Material Security (GMS) with daily threat briefings and scoping reports to support their respective missions. The mission of GMS is to prevent terrorists from acquiring nuclear or radiological material that could be used in an attack on the United States, its interests, or allies. GMS works with partners worldwide to secure nuclear and radiological material and to detect and deter trafficking of this material. Within GMS, there are three sub offices:

  • The Office of International Nuclear Security (INS) works with international partners to improve nuclear material security by supporting training and training centers for security professionals, including national regulators and responders; developing nuclear infrastructure and regulations; and enhancing security systems.
  • The Office of Radiological Security (ORS) works with government, law enforcement, and businesses across the globe to protect radioactive sources used for medical, research, and commercial purposes; remove and dispose of disused radioactive sources; and reduce the reliance on high-activity radioactive sources through the promotion of viable non-radioisotopic alternative technologies.
  • The Office of Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence (NSDD) works with international partners to strengthen capabilities to deter, detect, and investigate the smuggling of nuclear and radiological materials by providing the expertise and tools needed to respond to smuggling events.


The Office of Global Material Security (GMS) works in over 100 countries around the globe. It is difficult for GMS leadership, employees, and laboratory support staff involved in the effort to maintain situational awareness related to the GMS mission on a daily basis.


Argonne National Laboratory produces a daily threat report focusing on the threat and non-threat world events pertinent to the missions of the Office of Global Material Security. The non-threat reporting focuses on material and facility specific news related to the GMS mission, including new partnerships, alternative technologies, training, science and technology advances, laws and regulations, new radiological devices, etc.


Argonne National Laboratory produces a situational awareness report to all of GMS and federal partners and a monthly report to international partners such as Interpol and Europol.