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Strategic Security Sciences

International Safeguards Engagement

Supporting global nonproliferation efforts through developing curricula for the IAEA and creating safeguards engagement activities throughout the world.

Did You Know?

The international nuclear safeguards system provides credible assurances to the international community that states are using their nuclear materials and technologies for peaceful purposes.

In 2018, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) conducted over 3,000 inspections or other in-field verifications and drew safeguards conclusions for over 180 States.

States meet their safeguards obligations to the IAEA by maintaining a State System for Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Material, declaring information about their material and activities to the IAEA, and facilitating IAEA access for verification activities.


The United States works with foreign partners and the IAEA to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of international safeguards implementation.

This includes seeking universal adherence to safeguards agreements, including the Additional Protocol, working to give the IAEA the tools and resources to draw safeguard conclusions based on all available safeguards relevant information, developing technologies and approaches to meet emerging safeguards verification challenges, and training the next generation of U.S. international safeguards experts.


Argonne staff have knowledge of U.S. safeguards policy, IAEA information analysis, the nuclear fuel cycle, along with global capacity building expertise. Argonne’s approach is to work collaboratively with international partners to help achieve mutual objectives. S3 looks across the Laboratory and in partner organizations to find the right blend of expertise to address the particular need.


Argonne has supported over 100 international safeguards engagement activities in more than 25 different countries, from Algeria to Zambia. Argonne led the development of a training curricula for the Additional Protocol and supported development of information management, quality assurance/quality control, and legal/regulatory curricula. Argonne serves as the laboratory regional lead for supporting safeguards engagements in the Middle East.

Argonne leads an annual training for IAEA staff on analysis of traded equipment and materials relevant to safeguards. Additionally, Argonne has written on the role of open source information in safeguards implementation, examined safeguard approaches to research reactors, and examined the process by which indicators of safeguards violations can transform into noncompliance findings.

Argonne has furthered human capital development in safeguards. Argonne developed a repository of safeguards information for the U.S. safeguards community. Annually, Argonne leads the Nuclear Facilities Experience, an opportunity for students and young professionals to experience international safeguards implementation first hand.