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Strategic Security Sciences

IAEA Programs Supports Participation of U.S. Experts at IAEA Events

Supporting the engagement of U.S. experts in peaceful uses of nuclear energy and technology at international events.

Did You Know?

As the center of international nuclear collaboration, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) organizes and hosts numerous topical and technical meetings every year, inviting experts from around the world to participate and contribute.

The purpose of these meetings is to work out a set of recommendations and advice, or to provide analyses of aspects of individual projects or specific programmatic areas.


Successful promotion of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and technology goes hand-in-hand with efforts in highlighting U.S. capabilities. IAEA Programs at Argonne continues to organize the U.S. exhibits at select IAEA conferences on behalf of the U.S. Government (USG). This work includes communicating with all partners, designing the booth background, collecting materials, and arranging a suitable exhibit schedule.


IAEA Programs at Argonne is responsible for processing nominations and invitations of U.S. citizens to attend IAEA non-safeguards technical and consultancy meetings, workshops, training courses, expert missions, and international conferences. Each year, this equates to more than 900 invitations and nearly 2,000 nominees.


It is USG protocol to prepare a country clearance cable for all U.S. Federal and USG contracted personnel attending IAEA events. In addition to USG employees, IAEA Programs also tracks the participation of U.S. citizens from private sectors.