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Strategic Security Sciences

IAEA Programs Supports Americans Interested in Working at the IAEA

Sponsoring U.S. citizens to work in the IAEA’s non-Safeguards departments and providing resources and guidance to those who wish to apply.

Did You Know?

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria is the world’s center for cooperation in the nuclear field, committed to promoting safe, secure, and peaceful uses of nuclear technology.

IAEA’s staff of approximately 2,500 comes from over 100 countries and works in a wide variety of technical and scientific fields.

While most staff work at the IAEA’s headquarters, the IAEA also maintains research laboratories in Monaco and Seibersdorf, Austria (located only about 35 km southeast of Vienna).


Successful promotion of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and technology goes hand-in-hand with efforts in engaging all segments of society, especially women and youth. IAEA Programs at Argonne commits to diverse recruitment efforts that encourage U.S. women and youth to apply for open positions at the IAEA.


IAEA Programs at Argonne encourages well-qualified Americans to join the IAEA’s professional staff in non-Safeguards departments and assists interested candidates in applying to open positions by:

  • Providing personalized, field-specific job alerts
  • Sharing tips for applying and interviewing
  • Tracking applications through the selection process
  • Offering networking opportunities through our LinkedIn group
  • Providing information for Americans transitioning to Vienna


The United States government sponsors U.S. citizens to work for the IAEA as Cost-Free Experts (CFEs), Junior Professional Officers (JPOs), and Interns. IAEA Programs coordinates these CFEs and JPOs sponsorships as well as funds the interns for the IAEA’s non-Safeguards departments.