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Strategic Security Sciences

Moving Target Defense

Technologies protecting software applications from vulnerabilities and hindering future cybersecurity threats

Did You Know?

Nearly all websites and other computer services are deployed using a preconfigured set of software that does not substantially change for the lifetime of the service.


The static and unchanging nature of these services gives attackers unlimited time to inspect, scan, and exploit the service leading to possible security breaches and information leaks.


Moving Target Defense (MTD) technologies can increase software diversity by dynamically changing the software in use for different layers of the software stack while an application is running. This gives attackers a random and ever-changing view of the underlying software increasing the difficulty of successful exploits and required effort while also deterring them from further attacks.

Argonne currently has five MTD projects in development targeting various layers of software. These projects have led to two published papers, two awarded patents, and two pending patents. Four of these projects have functional prototypes with one being used in an Argonne public website.