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A thermal-hydraulic code for multi-assembly steady-state sub-channel analysis
  1. Coding Language and Computing Platforms
    Fortran source code for Linux and Macintosh
  2. Description of Purpose
    SE2-ANL is a heavily modified version of the SUPERENERGY-2 thermal-hydraulic code, which is a multi-assembly, steady-state sub-channel analysis code developed at MIT for application to fast reactor (wire-wrapped and ducted) rod bundles. At Argonne, the code was coupled to GAMSOR and models were added for hot spot analysis, fuel element temperature calculations, and allocation of coolant flow subject to thermal performance criteria.
  3. Typical Running Time
    The run time is typically less than 5 minutes on a modern computing workstation.
  4. References
    1. K. L. Basehore, N. E. Todreas, SUPERENERGY-2: A Multi-Assembly Steady-State Computer Code for LMFBR Core Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis,” PNL-3379 (1980).
  5. Primary Authors
    • K. L. Basehore, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
    • J. Beitel, Argonne National Laboratory
    • R. Vilim, Argonne National Laboratory
    • W. S. Yang, University of Michigan
  6. Materials Available
    The source code and compilation instructions are provided. Precompiled executables for Linux and Macintosh are available. Documentation on methodology and installation is provided along with all of the verification test cases. Contact nera-​software@​anl.​gov for licensing and distribution information.
  7. Sponsor
    U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy