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Decision Support

Argonne scientists provide support through advanced modeling that helps the U.S. military in planning, analysis and decision making in transportation and logistics for our armed forces.

In the era of big data, information can become overwhelming. It is important to get the right data, and to interpret the data correctly, all in near real-time. This is especially true for decision makers in the U.S. Armed Forces. 

Focusing on National Security

Argonne works closely with the U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) whose work is dedicated to establishing short-, mid- and long-range projects for the movement of U.S. troops and equipment around the world. USTRANSCOM must analyze roads, railways, waterways, pipelines and airlift support, among many other factors. This complex analysis must take into account multiple scenarios around the world simultaneously. The complex challenge of understanding and interpreting the vast amounts of data involved is mitigated with Argonne expertise.

Argonne developed detailed simulation and analysis models for the deployment and sustainment of U.S. forces throughout the world. Known as the Analysis for Mobility Platform (AMP), this detailed modeling tool is essential for mapping movements and status of U.S. armed forces around the world. The AMP comprises detailed models in three key areas: analysis of ongoing operations; planning for 5, 10 and 20-year projections for transportation and infrastructure; and the structure of armed forces as equipment and tactics evolve over time.

Collaborating for Support

The AMP is widely used by and relied upon by the US military. To create this model, Argonne leveraged inhouse expertise and a rich history of modeling extremely complex problems. This includes a deep understanding of the military transportation systems and the internal and external factors that can affect it. This understanding stems from a long-term relationship with the military, including USTRANSCOM, the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Center for Army Analysis, and the Combatant Commands currently deployed.

Achieving Success

The value created by the AMP is now extended to support additional challenges for the U.S. military as well as other government agencies. Especially crucial is Argonne’s work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Argonne technical assistance helped create an analysis tool for state and local jurisdictions to model the logistics and transportation feasibility of their disaster response plans. This system has been used to model the extremely tight time frames needed for actions to prevent potential threats posed by rapidly spreading disease in emergency plans for Chicago, Florida and Los Angeles County.