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Abdellatif M. Yacout

Department Manager, Fuel Development and Qualification

Abdellatif Yacout is a senior nuclear engineer and manages the Fuel Development and Qualification department within Argonne’s Chemical and Fuel Cycle Technologies division.


Since his graduation from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Dr. Yacout has been a staff at Argonne over the past 28 years where he has been involved in different aspects of nuclear engineering R&D with emphases on nuclear fuels and materials research and development. He has more than 250 refereed papers, reports, and conference papers and presentations, in different aspects of nuclear engineering with a focus on nuclear fuels and materials behavior under irradiation. He has extended experience in irradiation effects on fuels and materials, and leads Argonne nuclear fuel R&D activities, and activities on advanced material synthesis in support of nuclear energy applications. His leadership of nuclear fuel activities include research and fast reactors fuel modeling and simulation activities, and experimental activities on coating powder fuel and structural materials using advanced synthesis techniques. Currently, he manages the DOE NNSA M3 European Fuel Development Program, and serves as the US technical lead for contributions to the program and communication with the European HERACLES research reactors fuel development program. Other nuclear fuel related activities include leading Argonne’s contributions to different DOE-sponsored nuclear fuel R&D activities including contributions to accident tolerant fuel (ATF), fast reactors metallic fuels database and data qualification sponsored by the Advanced Reactors Concepts campaign (ARC), fuel modeling activities sponsored by the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) campaign, as well as fuel licensing support activities with Argonne industry partners, and with non-DOE international sponsors (KAERI). He supervises materials synthesis activities for coating nuclear fuel and cladding materials using different advanced infiltration techniques including atomic layer deposition (ALD) which is combined with other powder deposition techniques to synthesis different types of composite coatings materials. His department is currently leading work at Argonne on additive manufacturing (AM) for nuclear fuels and materials applications, which combines standard AM techniques with advanced deposition and infiltration techniques to form complex objects of different materials (metals, ceramics, and composites) at high precision for both nuclear and non-nuclear applications. Finally, he supervises staff and graduate students performing ion irradiation experiments on fuel and cladding materials at the ATLAS accelerator and the IVEM in support of M3 international fuel development, Argonne’s XMAT initiative that combines both ion irradiation and X-ray characterization beamline concept at the Advanced Photon Source (APS), and V&V efforts in support of NEAMS codes. His department characterizes the outcome of those experiments using x-ray characterizations at the APS and other advanced characterization tools at Argonne’s Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) as well as tools at other user characterization facilities in the US.