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Brandon Kyle Pope

STEM Education Outreach Coordinator

Brandon Pope is an Education Outreach Coordinator at Argonne, where he develops, coordinates, and facilitates outreach initiatives for students, schools, and science/engineering professionals for Argonne Educational Programs and Outreach.


Brandon Pope is an Education Outreach Coordinator at Argonne, where he develops, coordinates, and facilitates outreach initiatives for students, schools, and science/engineering professionals for Argonne Educational Programs and Outreach.

He shares Argonne’s mission science with the community through activities reflecting the Laboratory’s values and grand scientific challenges. To make this possible, he works closely with Argonne’s scientists and engineers, as well as with schools and students. Brandon is passionate about connecting inner-city Chicago and underrepresented students to hands-on experiences that will help them realize their potential in STEM fields.

Wanting to be a veterinarian as a child, Brandon attended Tuskegee University, graduating with a B.S. in Animal Science. During his undergraduate studies, he interned at the Cleveland MetroParks Zoo, where he discovered that he enjoyed talking to guests and was hit by the education bug’. He has worked for several world-class organizations, including the Missouri Department of Conservation, the John G. Shedd Aquarium, and the Adler Planetarium. Amazed at the rich span of Argonne’s educational programming and the innovative research happening all over the Lab, he is proud to be a member of the Educational Programs and Outreach team.

Liking to help promote education throughout Chicago, Brandon regularly volunteers at the Chicago History Museum. In addition, he is a member of Chicago Learning Exchange and Minorities in Agriculture and Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS). In his free time, he enjoys running and cooking – especially smoking meats.


Pope, Brandon. 2011. Opening the Outdoors to Everyone.” Missouri Conservationist Magazine, July 2011. https://​mdc​.mo​.gov/​c​o​n​m​a​g​/​2​0​1​1​/​0​7​/​o​p​e​n​i​n​g​-​o​u​t​d​o​o​r​s​-​e​v​e​ryone.