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Byeongdu Lee

Physicist, Group Leader

has been studying behaviors of nanoparticles and polymers using the state-of-art X-ray scattering techniques.



  • 2000. 3.0 – 2003. 8.20: Ph. D. in Dept. of Chemistry, Pohang University of Science and Technology. Thesis on Synchrotron X-ray Scattering Studies on Morphologies of Poly(ethylene isophthalate-co-terephthalate)s and Nanoporous Poly(methyl silsesquioxane) Composites”
  • 1998. 3.2 – 2000. 2.16: M. S. degree in School of Envir. Sci. & Eng., Pohang University of Science and Technology. Thesis on Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(propylene sulfite) and Structural Analysis of Copolyesters”
  • 1991. 3.1 – 1998. 2.26: B. S. degree in Dept. of Earth Sci. Edu., Seoul National University.

Research and Professional Experiences

  • 2010/05-present: Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory
  • 2005/07-2010/04: Assistant Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory

Research Interests

  • Fundamental interactions of colloidal particles
  • Assembly of particles directed by soft matter
  • X-ray scattering theory and application on soft/hard hybrid materials
  • Phase behavior of Polymer Thin film: GISAXS works on block copolymer film and nanoporous thin film

Award and Honors

  • 2002 Stanford Synchrotron Laboratory Visiting Scholarship from KOSEF
  • 2006 Excellent research award for young scientist from Korean synchrotron radiation user’s association. (2006, 11)
  • 2006 Young Scientist Award from the IUCr commission on small angle scattering (Kyoto, Japan) (2006, 7)
  • 2017 Award for Excellence in Beamline Science from the Advanced Photon Source User Organization (2017, 5)

Professional Service

  • Conference and workshop organizer
  • Chair of 2011 Small Angle Scattering Science Interest Group (SAS-SIG) of the American Crystallographic Association
  • Ph. D. Thesis Committees
  • Ph. D. Thesis co-advisor