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Chad Wester

Interim RAP Regional Operations Manager


Chad Wester is the Interim Group Leader and the Training & Outreach Coordinator for the Radiological Assistance Program (RAP) in the Strategic Security Sciences Division of Argonne National Laboratory. His work focuses on Radiation/Nuclear Search, Consequence Management and Preparedness of RAP Region 5. Prior to joining Argonne in April 2023, Wester served as the Illinois National Guard’s Joint Interagency, Intergovernmental Affairs Officer to the city of Chicago. Wester also served on the Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team where he advised and assisted Emergency Management organizations throughout Illinois. Managing teams of technical experts and mentoring dynamic leaders is the core of his experience.  Wester has strong relationships with the Illinois State Police Weapons of Mass Destruction Team as well as the FBI WMD team here in Chicago. He has worked for years with the Chicago Office of Emergency Management and Communications including Chicago Fire and Police Special Operations and Homeland Security Coordinator.

Wester has a master’s degree in Environmental Management and over 15 years of experience in the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives field. He is a graduate of the Army’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Skills Course and Command and General Staff College. Wester is currently a Traditional Army National Guard Chemical Corps Field Grade Officer serving as the Plans Officer for the ILNG 404th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade.